7 Warning Signs Of Your Pressure Cookers Demise


It not only will tenderize the meat, but will meld all the flavors for a
delicious dinner. Simply add the ingredients in this oval shaped programmable cooker and when
You come home a terrific aroma will fill your kitchen with a meal prepared to enjoy.
This little gem has a user friendly touchpad control panel that is easy to operate. There are four
Cooking modes including high, low, simmer, and hot. When cooking time is finished the unit
Automatically switches to warm so your food stays hot and ready whenever you're ready to
eat. There's a ceramic pot which can be conveniently removed. Your meals can be prepared the night
Before and put in the refrigerator. The next morning just set the pot in the device. Set the cooking
Time and that's it! Cleanup is so simple because the pot is dishwasher safe. There is a glass lid so
You may easily find out what is going on during the cooking process. The lid is also dishwasher safe .
The top rack of your dishwasher.
You just gotta have this small slow cooker if You're a smaller family or you want to make yummy
Desserts to adhere to a bigger meal made in your bigger cooker.

safety. The 24 hour timer controller touchpad includes a LED display panel. Enclosed is a recipe book with
Delicious recipes and hints to get the best results.
The brushed stainless housing will look very stylish sitting on your counter and add a flavor of
sophistication to your kitchen. All parts that will be touching your food are BPA free.
Like all small electrical appliances, make sure you thoroughly read the documentation before
operating. These are very important tips and generally if anyone has a complaint you can follow it back
To the owner not reading this manual.

Positive comments
The majority of owners gave this slow cooker the highest score possible. What most enjoyed about it
was the size. It is the perfect size to cook a meal for their loved ones. Additionally many commented that there
Was nothing flimsy about the parts or the construction. Many times you hear the smaller slow
Cookers aren't as sturdy as the bigger ones. That sure is not true with this one.
There were comments about the recipes that were included.
nutritional value of each is given. Calories, carbs, fat, protein, sodium, and other nutrients are part of
the recipes.
1 person writing a cookbook on slow cooking really owns 10 distinct slow cookers and she
Said this one was her favorite. She felt that the simmer setting works better on this cooker than on any of
the others.
I need to repeat again, the overwhelming majority loved the size of this cooker because it was
Perfect for a meal for one to four people. Not everyone wants a lot of leftovers and this cooker
Seems to match the lifestyle of many.
Negative comments
There was difference of opinion on what is meant by programmable. Some consider programmable
Being able to change from high to low setting during the cooking process with preprogramming.
This unit will not perform that function. Others considered programmable being able
To automatically switch from the cook temperature into the warm atmosphere. This unit does function that
Try this one out. You're missing out on a tasty, easy and healthy way of cooking for those who haven't


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